Losing weight on your own can be difficult, particularly when you’re managing a chronic condition. Even without a chronic condition, fad diets are everywhere and can be influential, while different public figures all voice their opinions about the best exercise to burn fat, lose weight, and most importantly, feel better.
At Desoto Family Care Clinic in Southaven, Mississippi, our compassionate, hard-working staff of medical professionals offer weight management programs. Our medical weight management programs are completely customized to the unique needs of your body. One of the strengths of a weight loss management program is having the support you need to successfully lose weight.
A comprehensive strategy
One of the main benefits of our weight loss management program is the customization. We start with comprehensive testing, ensuring that we have a full profile of your medical history and concerns.
We take your age, physical ability, and metabolism into consideration when making exercise and nutritional recommendations. Along with the help of a certified care provider, you’ll have easy access to a supportive network for the slumps in your weight loss journey.
Your weight loss management plan is based on your body’s needs. Before we create your plan, we run a panel of tests to understand how your body is doing. We diagnose and treat any hormonal imbalances, as your hormones can tell us a great deal, and they can also interfere with your weight loss.
If you’re living with a chronic condition, your provider keeps you on a testing regiment, maintaining a vigilant eye on conditions like diabetes and hypertension.
Medication and condition management
Part of the reason testing is so important is because your provider needs to know how well you’re doing on your program, and how well your body is healing with any medications you’re taking. Your provider may also have you come in as part of your testing regiment, which helps them stay on top of your overall health and wellness.
Nutritional advice
More than half of the battle to lose weight happens in the kitchen. Changing eating habits is frequently cited as one of the most difficult parts of weight loss.
Your provider at DeSoto Family Care Clinic works with you to establish a healthy, fat-burning diet that combines your needs and your tastes. From portion control to a regular eating schedule, having a proper diet is an essential tool in weight loss management.
Your provider might recommend supplements to assist in your weight loss journey. These supplements can’t be taken in lieu of the hard work of diet and exercise. Supplements can provide nutrients your body can use to boost your energy, hone your focus, and help you rest.
I think a weight loss management program can help me
We think a weight loss management program can help you too! Before recommending any treatment, we require all our patents to have a one-on-one consultation with their provider. Getting started with a weight loss management program can be the new chapter you’ve been waiting for. Call our office at or request an appointment online today.